Yes, I posted one of his paintings before, but let me give him even more deserved attention. Mark Warren Jacques an American Artist out of Columbus Ohio. I see his body of work as modern Romanticism our age seems to be lacking, me being a hopeless romantic, I can't get enough. His work is simple, geometric, exploding with color, thus lending to his point "work is love made visible" or as I see it he just wants to express emotion, and do so well. The titles of his work suggest some basic philosophy, commonly forgotten but should often be recited (see titles of works in this blog). Also -naturally for a romantic- they reference love and all the emotion that drive the human condition. I have a strange connection to his work I'll admit.
The simplicity of the shapes mixed with the complexity of the emotions he is trying to translate leaves me fascinated by the juxtaposition. I really could be lost in it for months... no honestly, his paintings have been my computer background since last year when I found him.... and my Itouch background...and my phone. Its refreshing to see an artist who is in it for the message, not the money.
Keep reminding me what its all about MWJ...Keep it up!
A reminder to laugh and be thoughtful, life passes quickly
An Infinite Space to Glow Below : An Infinite Place to Grow
Work is love made visible.
n the Bedtime Ocean of Thought, Contemplating the Weight of Solitude vs. the Weight of Relationship
The optimistic Mind
Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
God knows I love you. Now you do too.
Bright Black Night Light
Staying Just Above
It's beautiful & strange, we were drawn together, as to leave a sense of connection that we never Want To Loose Touch With